Has anyone else noticed there’s less daylight than there use to be? Night is falling faster. Not über-fast. Fast in that quick-photography kind of way that plays with your eyes a bit, as in…

Wait, wasn’t I just enjoying the longest day of the year?! Wasn’t I just sitting on my patio, enjoying sunsets that, it seemed, hung around  until I was ready to dismiss them? What’s going on here?!

I’ll tell you what’s going on here—summer is pulling away from us, trying to say goodbye and I’m, well, I’m having a moment. I’m not gonna lie, this same thing happens to me every year at this time. You know, the Labor Day thing. The not so subtle reminder that the end of summer is near.

It’s crazy, though, because I was just shooting Kelly and Diana {you’ll meet Diana next week} frolicking on the beach, on what was a glorious summer day, feeling like this balmy season would never end.  It can’t be coming to end yet, can it?

Don’t get me wrong, I love fall. Fall is my favorite season, but every year, just as it’s about to make its entrance I get this feeling like I’m going on a date for the first time. There’s this awkward introduction period where I have to decide all over again whether I like this season or not. And right now I’d have to say…

Fall, I’m just not that into you at the moment.  But give me time. I know you’ll grow on me.

Anyone else feeling like me?  I’d love to hear whether or not you’re ready to say goodbye to the summer of ’13?

In the meantime, thanks so much for stopping by!  Wherever you are, whatever you do, make it a safe and happy holiday weekend!

