Is it Friday already?!! I don’t know about you but this week flew by for me. More house-hunting on tap for us this weekend. How about you? Anything fun planned? Whatever you’re up to I wish you a wonderful weekend wherever in the world you happen to be. Make it a good one! xox~M

For your weekend perusal, here are some of the things that caught my eye this week –

1. Love the way this stylish fashion blogger mixed patterns. (

2. The best color-correcting makeup. (

3. Seven makeup tricks that may be aging you. (

4. Great looking maxi dresses. (

5. The secret to success according to Arianna Huffington. (

6. Cool shades. (nymag/

7. Beautiful ideas for creating an urban oasis. (

8. An iconic pie is reinvented. (

9. A wedding party photo shoot that goes terribly wrong. (

10. A classic 80s movie and some things you may have missed the first time round. (